At the bottom of this page are two documents which the academy will require should a student need to take medicine during the school day. Please read them both carefully and complete the appropriate form(s). These are a Health and Safety requirement and we will not be able to administer medicines to students without a completed and signed copy of the one that applies on record.


If we are keeping medicines at the academy for your child/ward such as a spare inhaler or an Epipen, then please fill out this form immediately and return it to us. It is always a good idea for a student to have a spare inhaler on site in case the one they carry runs out or gets lost or forgotten.

This form also needs to be completed when a student needs to take a short-term course of medicine such as antibiotics or eye drops, for example.


This form needs to be completed if a student carries an inhaler, seasonal Hayfever medication, skin creams, diabetic medication etc.

Please note that the above examples are not exhaustive.


It has come to the attention of staff that an increasing number of students are choosing to “self-medicate” for minor ailments such as headaches, period pain etc. We have also been made aware of cases of students trying to share medication with each other.

Please note that this is not permitted.

The qualified first-aiders of the academy are not permitted under HSE rules to give any type of painkiller to students for any reason, nor are they kept as part of the first aid supplies.

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