School Uniform
Our students take pride in their appearance. Our school uniform should be worn correctly at all times, including to and from the Academy.

While students are in the Academy building, they should not wear outerwear such as coats, scarves or gloves. Blazers should be worn at all times around the Academy building unless instructed otherwise by staff. Shirts or blouses should be tucked in with no additional clothing visible beneath it. Ties must be worn with the school shirt, with the top shirt button fastened. Trousers must be from the Elms Academy shop so as to match the blazer. The Elms Academy skirt must be worn at knee length and not rolled up.
Nail polish, false nails and false eye lashes are not allowed. Make-up, tattoos or henna are also not permitted. Jewellery should not be worn other than watches. Smart watches are not permitted. The only piercings permitted are one pair of small (<8mm) discreet silver or gold studs in both ears. No other piercings are allowed and prohibited piercings cannot be covered with a plaster.
Hairstyles should be neat, tidy and with no coloured dye, highlighting, coloured extensions or decorative attachments such as beads. Patterns, shapes, Mohawks or shaved partings are also not allowed in the hair. Shaved eyebrows are not permitted.
Only dark grey or black discreet hair bands, hair bobbles, ribbons or clips are allowed.
No hoods, hats, caps or bandannas to be worn anywhere on the Academy site.
Image and presentation matter and these school rules are non-negotiable. It is vital that our students take pride in their appearance and represent themselves, their families and our school well. The wearing of The Elms Academy uniform and adhering to the appearance guidelines are integral parts of our school ethos. It instils a sense of community and belonging towards the school, it supports positive discipline and it promotes high standards amongst our students. It is these high standards which create a positive culture for learning.